🤬 Learnings from my 1st Podcast EP that I posted & deleted...


By NanaDelRey

Hey Guys!

So far we’ve grown to 29 subscribers 😅 nothing major but will periodically post about the growth here and what I’m doing to attract more people.

What You’ll Learn Today:

  • 👀 Did Adobe’s AutoPod (AI powered Automatic Podcast Editing) work..?

  • 🐥 Growing a Twitter to Build my Newsletter Audience - AI powered Twitter growth tool called Tweet Hunter?

  • 🎨 MidJourney for Content Creation- AI Generative Art - Version 5.2

  • 🤬 Learnings from Producing My 1st Podcast Episode that I deleted…

  • 💻 Canva for Thumbnails & logos



There’s a learning curve with anything new and we utterly failed using this for our 1st episode.. Karina isn’t sure why so sorry I couldn’t be more helpful here on what not to do.. Regardless here are my takeaways:

  • It makes the jump cuts for you since it can detect whose talking so you don’t have to manually do them yourself

  • Looks like I am keeping Adobe Primere Pro because you need a plan to be able to use this

  • Editing the bulk of the pod on Descript once I run it through AutoPod

  • Newsletters are like the YouTube videos and tweets are like TikTok videos. I figured might as well get my butt on Twitter to get some actual interest in people who like to read

  • We’re all about AI so I found Tweet Hunter which is an AI powered growth tool for Twitter

    • It helps you create better tweets based on other viral tweets & your best tweets

    • Schedules & automates posts, replies, DMs.. basically you don’t have to spend hours behind a screen

    • Produces easy to read stats of how your account is doing regarding your engagement

  • It’s pricey… $49/month for everything it does minus the AI writing capabilities and $99/month with it all…

  • I will be a user of it once I generate an organic following because work smarter > harder

  • People are creating high quality cinematic images on this bish and I see it as a way people will be able to generate dope thumbnails, ad campaigns, not basic stock images and inspiration

  • You need to have a Discord account to access the beta program & I’m trialing it for free now

  • People are creating superrr realistic sh*t on here so next week hopefully I can show you what I’ve created and the prompt I use


Sooo Karina is tasked on editing mostly but we’re both newbies so we f*cked up a lot… 😅 

  • Audio: we’re idiots and had our mics on the wrong pattern setting so when it came time to edit the audio it was extremely difficult since we had it on BIDIRECTIONAL instead of CARDIOID MODE. Both mics were picking up both of our voices instead of one. See here for what I mean

  • Editing Software: We still hate Adobe Primere Pro but are only using it to use AutoPod - we will do the bulk of our editing on Descript 

  • Branding: Our ‘logo’ and thumbnails were made on Canva which is a great platform but they were so ugly because I made them in 15 minutes lol..

  • Key Takeaway: The hardest step is always just starting, so by doing this one episode that we HATED & ended up deleting, we learned a lot and now have better direction on what not to do and what to do moving forward 😇 

  • Fav Feature: removing backgrounds from pictures AND videos automatically and quickly - this is a Pro feature which I pay $12.99/month for that plan

  • Canva has templates for specific dimensions when exporting to social media platforms which is super helpful

  • I would show you examples of what I created but for some reason images aren’t loading. Stay tuned for next week where I will show you how I create thumbnails for YouTube in 5 minutes

If you have anything you’d like to share or want to give me feedback DM me on IG: @nanadelbiz

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