👀 Exposing My Entire Business Plan

Super Vulnerable Look Inside My Thoughts


By NanaDelRey

Hey Guys!

What You’ll Learn Today: How my Brain works.. I’m exposing the Informal Business Plan for ContentFlowz - My Newly Launched Creative Agency.

  • 📖 Executive Summary - all about the structure of my agency, the problem I’m trying to solve & target audience

  •  📈 2023 Goals - What I plan to do in the next 5 months

  • 📋 Mission Statement - purpose, vision & values of ContentFlowz

  • 📦Services Offerings - These will likely change as I build relationships

  • 👩‍💼 The Team & Marketing Plan - This part is my favorite lol…

  • 📊 SWOT Analysis - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats



📖 Executive Summary - How Am I Structuring My Agency, the problem I’m trying to solve & target audience

  • For nearly a year, I operated a referral-based social media agency founded on 1:1 relationships. Recognizing the non-scalability of this approach, a shift towards a subscription-based model had been a long-anticipated move. The truth is, there's never an ideal moment to initiate, so one day, I turned to Karina and said, "Let's launch it now." The longer we postpone, the more time we squander without accruing REAL data to gauge the viability of the concept.

  • By the way, I drew inspiration from web designers who've built website design agencies using this framework. It occurred to me that I could adapt this model to a social media agency perspective, potentially attracting more clients and enabling me to construct a team, thereby fostering scalability.

The Framework:

  • My role essentially mirrors that of a Creative Director. I firmly believe that my vision is what brands and founders will want to invest in, and I'm confident I can impart this vision to freelancers who will eventually work under my guidance.

  • I've coached Karina, my sole full-time employee, on adopting my thought process in content production and editing. Although it's been a gradual journey, she's steadily learning the ropes.

  • Numerous aspects of our operations are amenable to systemization, reducing the reliance on my personal involvement. What I can't delegate, however, demands my utmost focus. Therefore, my ideal structure is outlined as follows:

  • I would love a small but mighty full-time team. I don’t think I have ambitions for a massive company because I believe that with the right individuals, leveraging the energy and skills of young, hungry, and project-based talent (freelancers) can lead to remarkable accomplishments.

  • I also believe over the next decades there will be an increase in 1099 employees. More people are realizing the potential to earn more through contract work compared to the confines of a stagnant corporate environment—though, of course, healthcare considerations also factor into this trend, a topic deserving its own discussion.

  • My goal is to establish a roster of dedicated full-time professionals who grasp my vision and can translate it into systematic approaches for their respective project components. They will then collaborate with freelancers who align with our quality standards and can bring our vision to life.

The Challenge:

  • Not everyone possesses the know-how to infuse modern and fresh elements into their content creation. Frequently, I encounter content with great value but an outdated production aesthetic. This is where we step in.

  • Social media often gets unfairly dismissed as mere "cute pictures and videos." However, it significantly shapes your brand's perception. In the absence of social proof, your intended audience may turn to other options. This applies to service-based businesses like mine or online product sellers.

  • Your website holds relatively less importance; visitors will inspect your page, content, engagement, followers, and then determine your credibility. It might be superficial, but it mirrors how today's consumers operate, especially among the younger demographic. Purchases are influenced by personal affinity with you or your brand, rather than just the product itself.

  • Established businesses lacking a strong social presence will soon need to engage with content creation. Furthermore, any online brand launch starts with social media since content reigns supreme, alongside the crucial factor of consistency—something that often proves challenging to maintain.

Target Audience:

  • Ideally, I aim to collaborate with brands, which lends greater credibility from a business perspective.

  • These brands possess marketing budgets from which I intend to secure a share. Naturally, I must substantiate the value of my services.

  • My primary focus is on startups, as they heavily engage freelancers and agencies due to budget constraints preventing them from building a full-time team.


📈 The 2023 Goals I have For ContentFlowz

  • Sign at least 3-5 new clients

  • Build our all the social media pages and have a strong sense of branding behind them

  • Hit 10K on TikTok, 5K on IG

  • Build out a database of amazing micro content creators and social media freelancers for our ‘creator collective’


📋 The Mission Statement

“Branding Through Content: Creating Tomorrows Brands Today”

At ContentFlowz, we're not just video editors, we're brand shapers. As a Gen Z-centric team, we're plugged into the pulse of what's cutting-edge, channeling our creative energy to transform brands through captivating video content.

Our mission is to elevate startups into sensations, infusing their stories with the perfect blend of trendiness and professionalism. With an unwavering commitment to high quality, we're more than just an agency – we're collaborators in your brand's journey.

📦 Service Offerings:

FORM starter pack

  • This is our most budget-friendly offering, strategically designed to expand our exposure to a wider range of projects. Its affordability makes it a compelling entry point, and my belief is that once clients experience our services, they'll likely be inclined to maintain a long-term collaboration. Furthermore, this approach contributes to enhancing our credibility by accumulating a portfolio of completed projects that we can showcase.

FLUX Plan:

  • Sitting comfortably as our mid-tier offering, the FLUX Plan is priced just under $1,000. While I'm not striving to undercut quality with cheap rates, I acknowledge that I'm still establishing a reputation within the industry. As I solidify my presence and expertise, I'll gradually adjust pricing to reflect the value I provide. The aim remains to offer competitive rates, primarily due to my agency's integration of AI and technology, which streamlines and enhances various aspects of the business operations.

FLOW Plan:

  • Positioned as our premium option, we've already garnered interest in the FLOW Plan. However, we've refined its components to encompass a more comprehensive suite of services, including content creation, editing, and strategy. This adjustment is particularly appealing to brands, as content creation emerges as a significant area where assistance is required. Unlike my previous agency's approach, I won't be directly producing content; instead, I'll collaborate with UGC micro-creators for this aspect. This strategic shift aligns with my vision of building the creative agency I've always aspired to create.


The Team

  • You already know the dynamic duo behind the agency 😂 Manifesting soon we build the team we’ve always wanted to build..

  The Marketing Plan

  • Karina and I have successfully rebranded our content on this page, and I take immense pride in the progress we've achieved thus far. We've even taken the step of investing in renting out creative spaces for bi-weekly shoots. This way, potential clients viewing our content will perceive us as operating from these incredible creative spaces, even though we're currently adopting a "fake it till we make it" approach. My rationale behind this strategy is rooted in the belief that I must embody the persona I aspire to be now in order to manifest that identity in the future.

  • Our objective is to infuse these content pieces with a genuine sense of production value. We're striving for the perception of quality and professionalism to emanate strongly. My aim is for viewers to perceive my content as exceptionally polished and refined, leading them to instinctively desire to collaborate with me without requiring a sales pitch.


📊 SWOT Analysis - My thoughts on what are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats are..


  • "We're young and hungry, duh... Karina and I work from 7 AM to 11 PM most days. We're incapable of giving anything less than 100% when we commit to something.

  • We have some leverage from my previous experience as a creator for brands while I was working under Nanadelbiz. I represented 5 brands as their face, which wasn't scalable, but it provided me with the experience I need to discuss what I'm pursuing now, without putting myself in front of the camera.

  • Networking is ubiquitous in LA, and this city is the hub of all things creative and brand-building. I'm in the ideal place to make this work because I can connect with people in person.


  • Inexperience: The internet can only teach me so much. I need more experience, which means saying yes to every opportunity that comes my way.

  • Confidence: Despite my online portrayal, I constantly struggle with confidence. While I may be fearless, hardworking, and self-disciplined, I often retreat from showing my true self when around individuals I perceive as being more accomplished. In situations where I should engage and ask questions, I tend to blend in rather than stand out.

  • Limited resources: Currently, it's just Karina and me. One of my clients highlighted the need to start forming my 'team' by collaborating with trusted freelancers. Additionally, I have a finite amount of capital to invest in all of this. Though I possess more capital than most 25-year-olds starting a new business, I must be frugal while still reinvesting in the business.


  • AI is an intriguing tool for marketing. Many social media agencies I've researched are standard, Canva-loving, and feminine-focused entities. Don't misunderstand me; I appreciate Canva, but these agencies are uniformly branded and rely heavily on conventional software that doesn't utilize AI. I aspire to collaborate with founders of any gender, not just those targeting female audiences as I once did.

  • Using AI also offers cost savings. I can produce content more efficiently and charge less, making myself competitive in terms of pricing. Moreover, I can hire less experienced talent and teach them what I know to enhance their efficiency.

  • Within my network, I have individuals I can leverage to my advantage. They operate in similar spaces and possess knowledge accumulated over years of experience, from which I'm learning. Novel ideas and unconsidered questions are filling my mind. These one-on-one relationships supersede YouTube videos or podcasts, as they enable me to ask intricate questions and receive concrete answers.


  • Freelancing and establishing creative agencies are on the rise, leading to a saturated market. However, in my view, many agencies lack distinctive branding. As long as I stay committed to developing my brand, I believe I'll be fine.

  • AI is thought to eliminate numerous marketing jobs. In my opinion, learning alongside AI ensures you won't be replaced. AI can only accomplish so much, and despite my experience with various AI software, I never receive a final product. Extensive tweaking is always necessary, although it does reduce the overall time investment."

If you have anything you’d like to share or want to give me feedback DM me on IG: @nanadelbiz


or to participate.